One of the most important part of the learning process is industry visit which can serve as a platform for students to enhance their interpersonal skills and students should make the best use of these trips to enhance their intellect. Below are five resons why industry visits are important.

  • Interact and learn from experts in the industry: The Industrial visits help students to meet and get influenced by the industry leaders.
  • Opens new venues for learning by seeing: The industrial visits offer an opportunity for students to experience the real machines, workstations, systems, plants, assembly lines, etc., and get to learn how the system works
  • Learning management concepts: During the industrial visits, students get to learn how professionals perform at work and implement certain industry-specific concepts such as bench marking, quality analysis, just-in-time production, etc.
  • Improves their job prospects: Students can utilize the opportunities of industrial visits to build good relationships with the companies. It can help them while seeking jobs and while approaching these organizations for training and internships.